martes, 27 de enero de 2009

Últimos días para aprovechar el descuento para Flandes

Hola a todos:

Os recuerdo a los interesados en venir con nosotros al Tour de Flandes el fin de semana del 3 al 5 de abril, donde participaremos en la marcha cicloturista y veremos al día siguiente a los mejores corredores del mundo en una de las Clásicas más bonitas del ciclismo histórico, que si queréis aprovecharos del descuento del 10% sobre el precio del viaje debéis abonar la totalidad del viaje (menos el descuento, claro está) antes del próximo 1 de febrero.

El plazo de inscripción a este viaje está abierto hasta el 1 de marzo, aunque a partir del 1 de febrero no se aplicará este interesante descuento.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2009

Tips for Happy Riding

Tips for Happy Riding

(From Rivendell Bicycle Works:

Good advices to ride.

Learn right away that the front brake is the most effective one, and to never lock the front wheel in dirt (or on the road, but it's more likely in dirt. Learn how far you can lean over without scraping a pedal.
Learn to keep the inside pedal UP when you corner, and learn to ride safely in all conditions. Be the master and commander of your own bicycle.
Signal your approach to pedestrians, especially if they're old, and a bell is better than "On your left!" If no bell, try clacking your brake levers. If all you got is "On your left!" that's fine, but if you ride a lot on paths, get a bell.
At least one ride in 10, go without your sunglasses and gloves. Sometime next month, put some double-sided cheap-style pedals on a good bike and ride in non-cycling garb. It works shockingly well, and sends a good message to would-be bicycle riders.
Carry an extra tube you can give to somebody with a flat tire and just a repair kit.
If you're a guy, don't try to be a mentor to every female cyclist you meet.
Don't ride in shoes you can't walk through an antique shop in.
Don't wear clothing that makes your sweat stink even more.
Don't think you'll go faster in a significant way if you and your bike become more aerodynamic.
Put a $20 bill inside your seat post or handlebar and hold it there, somehow.
Don't ride until you're confident you can fix a flat.
If you ride more than one bike, have a set of bring-along tools for each one. Learn how to remove your rear wheel (put the chain onto the small cog, etc.).
If you ride in a group, bring food for you and somebody who forgot to.
Go for a one-hour ride underdressed sometime, because it's good to be really cold on a bike every now and then.
Never blame your bike or your health or anything else if you're the last one up the hill or in to the rest stop.
If your brake hoods are black, wrap your bars with a different color tape.
Never let your chain squeak.
If you pass another rider going up a hill, say more than "Hi," but if it's a woman and you aren't, don't assume she wants to chit-chat. Treat her as you'd have a generic guy-rider treat your wife/daughter/girlfriend.
If you're a woman and it's a guy, you can chit-chat all you like, they won't mind.
If you see another rider approaching you from the rear, trying to catch you, let it happen. Fun is more important than fast.
Don't put any cyclist up on a pedestal, except Lon and Freddie.
Sometimes, bring normal food on your ride. Sometimes bring none. If you're reasonably well-rested and have eaten anything at all in the last eighteen hours (and are not diabetic), you should be able to pedal your bike for two to three hours without supercharging your system with carbohydrates.
Shoot photos on your rides and give them away.
Feel comfortable mixing high tech and low tech, old and new parts and technologies, and don't apologize to anybody for it.
Compliment other people's bikes, especially if they're new.
Buy the cheapest helmet that fits well.
Try seersucker shirts for hot weather riding, and long-sleeved ones are best.
Don't underestimate fig bars. If you get a new widget and like it, don't "swear by it."
Don't always shop by price and never ask for discounts at your local bike shop. Every time you go into a bike shop, spend at least $2, and if you ask a question and get good advice, spend $5 (get a cable).
If you buy a rack, don't ask for free installation.
Don't assume your bike shop is making money.
Ride only when you feel like it.
If you know a fast new rider, don't say, "You really ought to race."
If you see a stocky woman rider, don't suggest she race track.
Have at least one bike you feel comfortable riding in a downpour.
Ride in weather that keeps other cyclers indoors.
Never keep track of your pedaling cadence.
If you have a normal loop or ride, count the number of times you shift on it; then the next time you ride it, cut that in half and see if it makes any difference.
Learn to ride no-hands and to hop over obstacles, but not simultaneously.
Never hit a pedestrian. In traffic, be visible and predictable.
If you have several bikes, set them up with different equipment but always ride the saddle you like best.
Don't try to keep up with faster descenders if you're not comfortable descending.
Never apologize for buying something that's not quite pro quality by saying, "I'm not going to race or anything."
If you buy a stock bike, do something to it that makes it the only one exactly like it in the world.
Don't think it's important to match front and rear hubs or rims.
If you borrow somebody else's bike, for a short test or a long ride, say something nice about it.
Always bring a pump.
Build at least one wheel.
Wear out something.
Don't ever describe any bike, no matter how inexpensive or dilapidated, as "a piece of crap."
If you get a fancy bike assembled by somebody else, allow them a scrape or two, especially if the bike is really expensive.

martes, 6 de enero de 2009

Una ayuda ante la crisis

Regálate un viaje y aprovecha los descuentos de GIANT TOURS:

Qué mejor regalo para los cicloturistas que un viaje con la bici. La empresa de viajes cicloturistas GIANT TOURS ya tiene disponible la inscripción a sus viajes para esta nueva temporada 2009. Para empezar, qué mejor que acudir al TOUR DE FLANDES a participar en una marcha cicloturista histórica y a ver una de las mejores clásicas del mundo del ciclismo. Después, GIANT TOURS tiene previstos varios stages de entrenamiento y turismo por diferentes zonas de España, en lugares tan atractivos como los Pirineos, con Fernando Escartín como anfitrión, o Salamanca con Roberto Heras y el País Vasco con Abraham Olano, por ejemplo.
Para los amantes de las marchas cicloturistas, GIANT TOURS les llevará a disfrutar de la magia de LA QUEBRANTAHUESOS, la marcha por excelencia de nuestro país. Un paquete en el que los participantes disfrutarán de la prueba sin quebraderos de cabeza, con todo incluido, hotel, traslados, inscripción, etc.
Los más aventureros podrán realizar la fantástica ruta de LA TRANSPIRENAICA de costa a costa por los puertos del Tour, un viaje aventura por etapas uniendo dos mares a través de una cordillera.
Como colofón, los que quieran ver el Tour de Francia en directo en Pirineos, tienen la oportunidad perfecta con GIANT TOURS, pues han programado un stage de cinco días, bajo el nombre de Las Rutas del Tour, al pie del Tourmalet coincidiendo con el paso de la gran carrera francesa por esa mítica cima.
Y para ayudar a que la crisis no impida a nadie disfrutar de su pasión por la bicicleta, GIANT TOURS hace un 10% de descuento en el precio de los viajes para todos los inscritos que abonen la totalidad del viaje elegido con suficiente antelación. Podéis ver las fechas de inscripción y de descuento en la web de GIANT TOURS.

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